SchoolFi Report Writer Webinar
An introduction to the SchoolFi Report Writer. Access the webinar through your instance of Genesis under the info>webinars tab.
NJ Smart Fall SID Management Webinar
Genesis will be hosting a NJ Smart Fall SID Management Webinar. Access the webinar through your instance of Genesis under the info>webinars tab.
Introduction to SchoolFi PDF Forms Webinar
Genesis will be hosting an introduction to SchoolFi PDF Forms Webinar. Access the webinar through your instance of Genesis under the info>webinars tab.
Genesis Nurses Module Webinar
Genesis will be hosting a Genesis Nurses Module webinar. Access the webinar through your instance of Genesis under the info>webinars tab.
Advanced Report Writer & Expression Language Techniques
Genesis will be hosting an Advanced Report Writer & Expression Language Techniques webinar. Access the webinar through your instance of Genesis under the info>webinars tab.
NJSBA’s Virtual Workshop
Visit the Genesis virtual booth during NJSBA’s Virtual Workshop October 26-28 2021!
Genesis Turnstile Webinar
Genesis will be hosting a Genesis Turnstile Webinar. Access the webinar through your instance of Genesis under the info>webinars tab.
Genesis SIS Virtual User Group Meeting
Share strategies and best practices with other Genesis users! A virtual Genesis SIS User Group Meeting will be held via zoom on Tuesday, November 16th. The meeting will be hosted by Austin Thomsen, Director of IT Services at Montville Public Schools. The agenda for the meeting will come from topics submitted by Genesis Users. Please […]
Thanksgiving Day – Genesis Closed
Celebrating the Holidays – Genesis Closed Today
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